Tuesday 30 August 2011

Urban Homeware

One of my friends has a fantastic blog Hunger and Sauce - check it our here - and the other day she pointed out some lovely homeware items that have appeared on the Urban Outfitters website. Naturally I had to check it out. What a great array of kitschy and quirky items! Somethings are new items that look like old - great for when you just can't find that vintage item you were looking for.
Skeleton Poster
Regency Roses Teacup

But one item I find a complete inspiration is a cushion that has been made from a beautiful vintage scarf. It is a gorgeous colour, with great texture and the recyling of old items into new things - it is the Springy Beard philosophy after all!
Vintage Scarf Cushion Cover

Guess what! The cushion is on sale!

Hope you have some successful treasuring hunting of your own.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh Urban Outfitters have such wonderful homewares! Almost as nice as yours...

    Hope you saved me one of those chocolate chip and blackberry cakelets! x
