Monday 29 October 2012

Halloween Costumes

When I was little one of our neighbours had their birthday on Halloween. This meant we pretty much always had a Halloween party to go to, and my Mum had the task of finding a different costume for us every year. Luckily, she is very creative and practical so we always looked great! I think my favourite costume was the Were-Wolf. I had an old pair of slippers that were dog shaped cuddly toys that you shoved on your feet. We cut them up, made a little nose and ears for me, and used the rest to make it look like fur was bursting through my clothing. I loved it! However, I think dressing up like this, with such dedication and creativeness may have tainted me. Even as a teenager attending a 'Hero' themed party, when all the other girls were dressing up as sexy characters such as Wonder Women, I dressed up as Indiana Jones - and not a sexy version, I looked like a man (I had short hair at the time, and resemble my Dad anyway, so the transformation was not so hard)! I thought I looked great!

Last year we had a big family Halloween party and I spent a long time trying to convince my other half that we should go as a Halloween pair - I wanted little red riding hood and the big bad wolf! Unfortunately he wanted to be a zombie (which I think was very uncreative of him) so I went as a mad professor, and I rocked the Einstein look!

You can see that I do not take dressing up lightly. It is a serious business and I always want to look authentic.

Then, whilst checking out my favourite blogs, I saw this.....

Goldilocks and the 3 bears

This is a family Halloween costume, and I love it! It has made me so desperately want to attend a party this year and force my other half to pair up with me - we are getting married soon after all, so we will officially be a pair in the eyes of the law! I'm thinking maybe David and Goliath or Punch and Judy or Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.....

.......I sense I probably won't win, but there is always next year.....

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