Monday 2 April 2012

Black Stag

How has your weekend been? I spent a lovely weekend with the other half visiting family and shopping. To my credit, it was the other half who was spending lots of money on clothes. But I confess, I spent money at the car boot. Those of you who read my blog of a regular basis may remember me mentioning a while ago that I am getting married. I don't want to bore you all with the details, as this isn't a wedding blog but at the car boots I am currently on the hunt for some very unusual glass-ware.

Just a bit of background first. The date is set for January 2013. We have the big things sorted - venue, food, music - but me being me I have to add my vintage quirks. It starts off with a vintage wedding dress, spreads to a vintage gramophone and you end up with a couple of dozen of glass decanters in your spare room! Yes, we currently have a rather large collection of beautiful glass decanters all sat on the window sill in our spare room. Our plan is to serve different types of alcohol after our ceremony - things like port, sherry and brandy. We have the decanters sorted but we are now trying to source vintage shot glasses and drinking glasses (basically if we see some we like in the charity shop we buy them). Slowly but surely we have accummulated about 40 shot glasses but then I found these:

These are called 'Black Stag' and are the most gorgeous glasses from the 1950s. I managed to find some tall glasses and then the collection just started to grow. I now have 6 shot glasses, 11 tall glasses and 1 tankard. I am in love with them so much! But I need more! More!

Sorry, I will stop acting crazy. The problem I am having is that I can not seem to find any information about these glasses, such as who the maker is. So this is where I need you. If anyone out there has any information I would be very interested. I sense that these will stay in my own personal collection for a very long time.

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